Young Paris Live From Breakglass (The Singles Series)

Young Paris (from Paris France, via Hudson NY) was invited to Montreal by the DIFA crew (Doing it for the Arts) for a performance at the Phi centre and somewhere along the way (in fact right away) a symbiosis occured and it became clear that Paris was DIFA and DIFA was Paris. Paris is known for his engrossing on-stage performances featuring African rhythms and dancing, out of this world costumes, and what can only be described as an excess of positive energy. In studio, Paris was easygoing, and charismatic. "This beat's so weird that I've just got to figure out where the downbeat is..." Paris said at one point, while laughing into the mic. The Live From Breakglass singles series is really all about capturing that fleeting collaborative moment within a recording session and in the case of this DIFA, Paris, Breakglass collab, the moment was a celebration, featuring blown out beats, African Djembe, Washed out guitars, improvised rhodes lines, and course after course of delicious African platters in the Breakglass kitchen. So overall this song is definitely a trip and a half! You'll need to clear your mind and let the rhythm move you to get the most out of this one.


Young Galaxy Live From Breakglass


Illa J Live From Breakglass (The Singles Series)